herbs & practices for good Sleep

Sleeping is so extremely important. New research shows that not getting an adequate amount of sleep each night - and thats 7-9 hours for most people - has some pretty dire consequences. That's because sleep is highly restorative. During sleep your body recovers from the day and goes to work. In the brain - enhancing brain repair, nervous system function, balance, reflexes and memory. In the muscles, it repairs and rebuilds - enhancing performance, endurance and muscle growth and function. In the immune system - fortifying and promoting cellular repair, reducing inflammation and getting those the immune cells working well. In short- getting adequate sleep also has a correlation with life expectancy. Yes.

But lots of folks really struggle with floating off to dreamland. Although the reasons for shitty sleeps are multifactorial- I have put together a few basics to implement and give a go if you are not doing them already.


It actually pains me to say this but caffeine can screw up your sleep cycle. It does this by blocking the receptor for one of the the neurotransmitters which tells you that you are getting tired. So, it is awesome if you are feeling a bit tired and shady before work but not so great if you are wide awake at 1am watching reruns of Friends trying to fall asleep. I reckon keep it to one coffee a day before 10am if you think you are a little on the sensitive side, but ditch it all together if need be.


I am so sure you have heard it before but ensuing your room is dark is important as the absence of light sends a signal to the body that it is time to rest. In fact if you find that you cant wind down, try dimming the lights after dinner ( easier in winter) to help with a calming action. Some sleep experts also say that if you are a night owl, try and get light on your eyes earlier in the day to spark your body clock and natural rhythm. Maybe go outside when you wake up with your cup of herbal tea and greet the day.


Sorry! It might make you fall asleep drooling on the couch but it doesn't actually promote restorative sleep. In actuality, it messes severely with several neurotransmitters which encourage sleep while also playing havoc with blood sugar, kidney and bladder function( urrgh midnight toilet stagger) and most importantly it doesn't allow your brain to get into the right restorative rhythm which repairs the brain and body.


A bedroom that is on the cooler side is more conducive to getting to and staying asleep as it promotes the secretion of gently sleep inducing hormones. If you lay in bed flicking through Instagram before bed then maybe you should give that a miss as well as the blue light emitted from devices reduces the action of sleep supporting hormones.


You can totally deviate a little but make sure that in general, you hit the hay and then arise at a similar time every night. One sleep expert recommends setting an alarm for bedtime like you would to wake up! As part of this schedule, you could start a little self loving routine. Draw a bath or have a shower, think about your day and after your bath or your shower make a warm soothing drink - chamomile tea, MOON potion or an Ashwagandha Moon Mylk. Sit quietly and write down any concerns, fears or thoughts from the day and leave them behind before you go off to bed. Also- your dreams are a key to your subconscious and are thought to be a type of emotional therapy so make sure you write them down.. they may offer some answers to tomorrows questions!? If you like the idea of enhancing your dream world then try Hypnos Tincture

herbs for a good nights sleep


A calming and soothing adaptogen, reishi helps to mitigate the ill effects of stress which for some can include disruptions in the sleep cycle. It is shown to reduce the time taken to get to sleep and also the self reported quality of sleep without causing daytime grogginess. Taken daily in the evening, in the short term it acts as a sedative to help to reset the sleep cycle. Taken over time the adaptgenic actions reset the HPA axis to work at the root cause of sleep disorders. Reishi is also thought to help shine a light on things that no longer serve you so you can address the things that may be keeping you up at night. Can be taken on its own Reishi Powder, or in our sleep blend Moon


What doesnt this herb do? A favourite of mine, ashwagandha is the perfect herb for the tired but wired person. That is, people that are tired after dinner but then seem to have a second wind and find it difficult to go to sleep. This is often accompanied by night time anxiety about the impending sleepless night. Ashwagandha reduces the time to get to sleep, reduces night time waking and also reduces daytime fatigue and anxiety. Ashwagandha is available on its own or in our sleep blend Moon


Highly prized for its hypnotic, soothing, actions in Chinese medicine, zizyphus is THE herb for women experiencing sleep issues associated with hormonal changes. It helps to soothe racing thoughts that are preventing sleep, reduces waking and best of all, it is thought to reduce the waves of heat and discomfort experienced by women during the menopausal transition. From the seed of the red date, zizyphus reminds us of the sweetness of life. Zizyphus is a key herb in Moon potion


A truly ancient and witchy herb, vervain was used as a tool for divination by the Druids, may have been a part of witches flying ointment and was highly regarded as a dream weaver by First Nations Americans. It is thought to reduce the time to get to sleep, improve sleep quality and may also be of benefit for those with muscular tension casuing sleep disturbance. As a dreaming herb it is renowned for enhancing awareness in dreams so may be of particular benefit for those wanting to have lucidity and for enhancing recall. It is also thought to keep nightmares at bay. In the Aetheria Dream Weaver tincture


An ancient herb, valerian has been used since the time of Pliny and likely well before. Whilst used for many a malady in ancient times, it is now known mostly as a sleep and relaxation herb. Valerian has a strong sedative action reducing both the time to get to sleep, waking episodes and enhancing self reported sleep quality. It is also thought to enhance the vividness, content and recall of dreams and may even enhance the likelihood of lucid dreaming. It is thought to bring good fortune and peace to those who use it. In the wonderful Aetheria Dream Weaver


One of my very favourite herbs - Mugwort is the OG witchy herb. It was believed to be a sacred herb by many Ancient civilizations. A beautiful womanly herb, mugwort is a potent sedative and reduces spasms. It enhances your dream recall and is thought to make the prophetic messages in your dreams more easy to decipher. In the Dream Weaver tincture from Aetheria


I often get asked about herbs for kids sleep. For very small children, getting into a sleep rhythm often is helped most by behavioural modifications and ensuring that they have a good relaxing bedtime routine. The herbs I like for supporting calm in kids are Chamomile - which can be made as a tea after dinner or California Poppy which is often sold as an alcohol free extract. Both are very gentle and great relaxants for kids.


cancer herbology


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