cancer herbology

Cancer is ruled by the Moon which is all about the ebb and flow of emotions . The Moon is also involved in our deepest personal needs, our habits, reactions, and our subconscious. Cancer folks have a maternal vibe and make caring, empathetic and emotional friends. They are drawn to situations where they can relax with true friends and talk about the big issues, they hate making small talk and for this reason can seem introverted. As a water sign with the Lunar influence they can get carried away on the tide of emotion and can come across as moody, withdrawn and crabby . That said, they are one of the most loyal and protective of the signs and under the influence of the moon, are one of the most intuitive of the signs.

After the uplifting and chatty vibes of Gemini which tends towards a frenetic and crazy approach to life, Cancer is a breathe of very cool and refreshing watery misty air . This provides a great energy for thinking deeply, being introspective and for using the intuitive senses. They are gifted with a strong intuitive sense, psychic ability and emotional depth and intelligence. On the flip side this energy is prone to being overly sensitive which can lead to being ill tempered, intolerant and vindictive . This sensitivity to emotions and the heightened sense of intuition can mean that cancers can clam up and keep all of their emotions hidden inside leading to the distinct crabbiness that some associate with Cancer.

Cancer is under the power of the Moon rules which rules the chest, upper digestive system, breasts, fluids in the body and of course has a direct action on the watery emotions. They are not the most energetic of the signs when out of balance and this can manifest as lethargy, emotional overwhelm, a tendency towards tightness in the chest and lung maladies. They must take time to relax and to retreat into their shells in order to recharge their energy and allow their positivity to shine . Moving their bodies is very beneficial and they work best with gentle fluid movements such as swimming, yoga, pilates and with breathing exercises which strengthen their lungs.

The tonic herbs I tend to think of when thinking of the Cancer energy are those that support those watery emotional tides while also being slightly energizing. I like Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) for Cancer as it thrives in watery marshy areas has tiny white flowers and has a special affinity for supporting those that find social situations difficult and helps to reduce the self isolation that can plague the Cancer out of balance.

Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) ) is also very aligned with the Cancer energy as it is calming for a mind that may be over stimulated. It is also specific for those for whom their emotional turmoil can cause heartburn or other digestive upset. This is a common malady in the sensitive systems of the cancer folks. In addition, chamomile is a bitter thus supporting bile and digestive juices for healthy elimination. It is also a great healer of long held emotional trauma which may have been carried around in their shells for quite some time. Cancer herbs tend to be soothing in general and contain a lot of watery mucilage so herbs like Aloe vera (Aloe barbensis), which cools a hot and irritated digestive system and provides a watery defence against other fiery insults such as sunburn and dryness in the digestive tract. Of note is also the highly nutritive chickweed (Stellaria media )and burdock (Arctium lappa) which both clear and cool toxins and heat from the body.

It is important not to under emphasize the softness that the cancer has under their shell. They are soft and caring and empathetic and have a much stronger tie to the unseen and unsaid than others do. As they are also ruled by the ethereal moon alongside their watery tidal, ephemeral vibes, I always associate them with the dreamtime herbs of Mugwort ( Artemesia vulgaris) and Blue Lotus ( Nymphaea cerulea). These herbs can help the cancer to work through their emotions on a subconscious level so as to not cause daytime tension and upset. It may also help them to connect to their ancestors and they are the sign most likely to receive prophetic messages in their dreamtimes.

Depurative herbs which cleanse and clear the fluids of the body such as burdock and cleavers are indicated for Cancer folks as are mineral rich herbs such as dandelion and chickweed.

So there you go. Next up is Leo Season!


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