Why Can’t I focus?

As a reader, I have read my fair share of terrible books lauded by many as books of a generation ( I’m looking at you, Normal People - sorry for those that liked it! ) Recently, though, I read a book that really struck a chord with me. That book is called Stolen Focus by Johann Hari and it really is a masterpiece. It follows the author on a quest to find out why he could not focus like he used to, why he couldn’t sit down and write like he used to and why he found it difficult to think deeply.

This really lead me to think about my own life and no doubt yours ( as Lions Mane mushroom for cognition and focus is our biggest seller) and how this modern world is impacting on how we pay attention. I have put together three concepts that the book suggests are at the root of our lack of focus.


The main issue at play is that we are no longer able to get into a flow state. That’s a state where we can perform our best work - when we are energized and fully immersed and focussed on the task at hand. Surprise surprise, its hard to get into this state when we are constantly being distracted and guess what, those SM apps on your phone- their one and only role is to steal your attention for pay. In the world of social media apps, attention means money and money, well, money is money. Even though it may take only a second to check your Instagram account or follow that ad link served up to you, you have broken your flow state and it can take a long time to get back into the state, by which time you feel the need to check * insert favourite app here* . These are not mere distractions. These apps are not only using up our mental bandwidth, they are also changing our behaviours and the way we think. How are we supposed to read or listen long enough to learn anything or think deeply about our world in crisis if our minds are wandering to see what Kim K is up to?

What can we do? Well, for most people, its nearly impossible to willingly put down their phones so maybe try some kind of time lock container that will not open before a predetermined time. This means that your task will at least not be interrupted by checking those bloody apps. It may be worth having a specific time of the day, where you can check and respond to social media etc. but try and keep off it at all other times. You can use ( other) apps like ScreenTime which help set and make you aware of your limits. Finally, if you are struggling with focus and find yourself really distracted then remove the offending app(s) from your phone. Do this for at least for a few days and monitor your attention span and mood, its worth a shot and I can assure you instagram will not miss you.


Okay, probably preaching to the choir here, but as I always say “You get out what you put in” . Food is becoming increasingly less food-like and many are eating a diet high in products made of refined carbohydrates, preservatives, seed oils, colourings and other non foods. Refined sugars in and of themselves are bad enough - they cause fluctuations in blood sugar which can cause feelings of brain fog and low mood, There is evidence to suggest that these non- foods have detrimental effects on brain function, attention and behavior especially in children ( alongside being just generally bad for you), both through their impact on blood sugar and through stimulation . I think any person who has had a sweaty screaming toddler to contend with after a lolly filled birthday party will agree. Once again though, the blame for a poor diet cant just fall on the individual when we have been aggressively marketed these foods since we were born. We also live in a world where children are routinely given these kinds of foods in return for good behaviour - is it no wonder that when they are adults they use these foods to celebrate small wins or lean on them to make them feel good when times are tough?

What can we do? Eating a predominantly wholefoods diet will help you to avoid the colours, preservative and refined carbohydrates that are implicated in inattention. Wholefoods are also more likely to provide the nutrients you need to feed your nervous system. I’m not advocating for any particular style of diet - just one with plenty of vegetables, protein, fibre, beneficial fats and low in all the things you know aren’t good for you. Also - if you are really struggling to get your diet cleaned up , or need some help with your ideas around food then I recommend seeing a nutritionist. Its not easy to undo a life time of poor food choices but it can make a huge difference in your life as a whole.


We have been living through a pandemic. We are experiencing the outcomes of climate change. We are living in a time of political unrest. We are also living in a time when we are bombarded and distracted with the news of all of this. ALL THE TIME.

This affects our focus potential from three distinct angles. Firstly, when we are feeling unsafe, we often spend a lot of our mental bandwidth focussing on that lack of safety and stability. This leaves us unable to focus on the task at hand as our brains are constantly reminding us that we need to focus on safety first. Secondly, the long term stress that has accompanied the insecurity and worry of the last few years has had significant effects on brain function and focus. Dysregulated and elevated cortisol levels , one of the key “stress hormones” diminishes the production and action of key neurotransmitters involved in mood, memory and coordination. Thirdly, feeling unsafe and stressed does not do good things for your sleep cycle. Which is not great, as getting adequate sleep consolidates learning and clears the slate for a new day of focus. Johann, like Matthew Walker ( WHY WE SLEEP) suggests artificial light has a big hand to play in this sleep deficit. Our circadian rhythms are designed to see us rise with the sun, have a second wind as the sun is about the set ( in order to build shelter or get food before dark) and then sleep after dark. With the advent of artificial lighting, these gentle rhythms have been disrupted leaving us with second winds late into the night, even though we have no need to build shelters. Coupled with stress, insecurity and a world fuelled by consumer capitalism which doesn’t make any money if you are asleep….. its no wonder we cant focus our attention .

What can we do?

This is a tough one but you have to start somewhere. So firstly, stop doom scrolling. Unless you are going to have an article about you, stop reading the news. There is no better way to feel unsafe than to constantly look at reasons why you should feel that way. Sure, read those great investigative reports we all love ( if you have the attention span) but leave the constant news scrolling. Its never good news and keeps you operating in that unsafe mindset. Take your adaptogens to help minimise the ill effects of that ongoing stress response you have going on. Adaptogens always work best when used in conjunction with talking to someone, patting dogs, exercising, nature bathing and reading good books ( like Stolen Focus). If sleep is eluding you then for gods sake… stop reading your phone in bed and make sure you are following the sleep hygiene rules I have written about in this article.

I know all of this anti capitalism sentiment is a bit rich coming from someone that is running a brand and online store. So I’m just going to state here that I do not operate my business with growth and domination as a goal. This is the problem with the world. Everyone wants more than their share and unfortunately, in a world with finite resources, we cannot have infinite growth. My goal is to make a difference to peoples health, to spread knowledge of herbs and concepts, to make enough to care for my family and to be able to have time to do other things. Thats it.

Thanks for reading!


