LEO HErbology

Ruled by the Sun which in turn channels vitality and life force along with personality and self expression. These vibrant folks of the fifth house are goal oriented and can achieve through sheer will and sustained determination. They also love to party and are well suited for the limelight with their natural exuberance and vitality. On the flip side a Leo out of balance may become easily bored with reality and pleasure seek with overindulgence in food , drink, drugs and sex!

As a fire sign, a Leo out of balance is also prone to over heating, inflammation and as they are ruled by the sun- a propensity towards sunburn! Leo also rules the heart so while Leo may easily draw in potential suitors ( with a flick of her luxurious mane and a fiery sparkle in her eye) she may be slow to let anyone into her heart. The physical heart can also be affected by a Leo out of balance, with usually a nervous heart and palpitations ( I have a lot of Leo in my chart and can attest to a nervous heart) being the first signs with hypertension and other circulatory issues coming next. As Leo also guards the spine, make sure you guard the back as injuries and nerve displacement and degeneration are also part of the unbalanced Leo.

The best foods for a Leo are cooling and moistening foods such as salads and vegetables and they should also make sure to keep the water bottle close as they are prone to dehydrated tissues. The best adaptogens for Leo would be a cooling option of which Siberian ginseng or Rhodiola is they are both cooling and also have strong cardiotonic actions perfect for supporting the Leo heart. If that heart is all a flutter then the beautiful Leo herb Hawthorn is a perfect for cooling support for functional heart and circulatory issues while the heart melting Rose brings down the Leo heart walls, allowing the space to allow someone into your heart.

As yellow also has a major association with Leo, then Calendula, for red inflamed skin eruptions St Johns wort for nerve pain from dodgy backs and spines and the nutritive, moistening Sunflower all have an affinity to Leo.




What is an Adaptogen?