Herbs And Shrooms For Fitness Goals

We get it, you've got your fitness routine dialed in, and protein powders are your go-to product. But what if we told you there's a whole world of herbal goodness waiting to complement your gains journey without stealing the spotlight from your protein-packed pals?

Herbs aren't here to play the role of the protagonist; they're more like the cool sidekick in your fitness saga. Picture this: you've got the muscle-building prowess of your protein shakes, and then enter herbs, the unsung heroes ready to add some extra zest to your workout game.

Take, for instance, the adaptogenic wonders of ashwagandha – it's like a backstage pass to stress resilience, allowing you to tackle workouts with zen-like calmness. Or how about the antioxidant powerhouse of reishi, giving your body an extra shield against oxidative stress?

Herbs bring a unique set of benefits to the table, from aiding in recovery to boosting energy levels, all while playing nice with your existing routine. It's not about replacing; it's about enhancing. So, whether you're sipping on that post-workout smoothie or whipping up a pre-gym concoction, consider tossing in some herbal flair for that extra kick.

Fitness journey, meet herbs – your new secret weapon. It's time to turn your routine into a symphony of botanical brilliance. So, grab your shaker bottle, throw in some herbal vibes, and let's elevate your fitness game to a whole new level!

So lets talk about my favourite herbs and how they can benefit your fitness journey


Ashwagandha Extract Powder
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Sale Price:NZ$20.00 Original Price:NZ$25.00

Ashwagandha, the revered adaptogenic herb, isn't just a fitness companion; it's a subject of keen scientific interest for its potential contributions to physical performance. Research suggests that Ashwagandha's adaptogenic properties can play a pivotal role in mitigating the effects of stress, a factor that can significantly impact fitness outcomes. By modulating cortisol levels, Ashwagandha may create a physiological environment conducive to muscle recovery and growth, making it a potential ally in muscle anabolism and sparing during intense training.

Furthermore, Ashwagandha has been explored for its potential ergogenic effects, particularly in enhancing endurance. Studies indicate that it may positively influence cardiovascular function and oxygen consumption during exercise, potentially contributing to improved stamina and performance.

Beyond its physiological impacts, Ashwagandha exhibits neuroprotective properties that could translate into enhanced cognitive function. For fitness enthusiasts, this means not just a robust body but also heightened mental acuity during workouts.


Reishi Extract

Meet Reishi, your zen master in the world of herbal support for fitness. This remarkable mushroom offers a wide spectrum of benefits that can enhance your workout experience. First and foremost, Reishi is like the quiet conductor orchestrating an anti-inflammatory symphony in your body. Scientifically, it's rich in bioactive compounds that have shown promising anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in post-exercise recovery.

But Reishi isn't just about calming inflammation; it's also a potential supporter of immune function. Research indicates that Reishi's beta-glucans and polysaccharides may modulate the immune system, providing a shield against external stressors that could otherwise compromise your fitness journey.

Moreover, Reishi has been associated with adaptogenic qualities, helping your body adapt to stressors like a seasoned yogi mastering a challenging pose. By balancing cortisol levels, Reishi contributes to a more serene physiological environment, fostering muscle recovery and potentially improving overall exercise performance.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic prowess, Reishi may also play a role in promoting quality sleep. A well-rested body is a resilient body, better equipped to tackle the demands of a rigorous fitness routine.


Enter Cordyceps, the powerhouse of vitality in the realm of fitness support. This exceptional fungus brings a symphony of benefits to the workout stage, and its starring role includes a standout performance in improving VO2 max. Scientifically speaking, Cordyceps has been associated with enhanced oxygen utilization during exercise, potentially contributing to a significant boost in endurance. It's like giving your lungs an upgrade, allowing you to go that extra mile or push through those demanding sets.

But the VO2 max benefits are just the beginning. Cordyceps is your cellular energy coach, working at the mitochondrial level to amp up the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This energy currency is vital for every cell in your body, and with Cordyceps on your team, you're essentially giving your cells a turbocharged engine for improved stamina and potentially accelerated recovery.

Cordyceps is not just about cellular energy; it's also a potential ally in respiratory health. Studies suggest that it may enhance lung function, ensuring that your respiratory system operates at its peak during intense workouts. Better oxygen flow to your muscles means reduced fatigue, improved endurance, and an overall more resilient performance.

Additionally, Cordyceps doesn't shy away from immune support. A robust immune system is crucial for consistent training, and Cordyceps, with its immunomodulatory properties, may offer that extra layer of defense against workout-induced stress.


Chaga Extract

First and foremost, Chaga is a powerhouse of antioxidants. Its high content of polyphenols and melanin may contribute to scavenging free radicals, potentially offering protection against oxidative stress induced by intense workouts. This antioxidant prowess not only supports overall health but can also aid in the recovery process post-exercise.

Chaga has been explored for its potential immunomodulatory effects. A robust immune system is paramount for sustained fitness efforts, ensuring that the body can withstand the demands of regular training. By potentially enhancing immune function, Chaga may contribute to a more resilient overall wellness profile.

Moreover, Chaga contains betulinic acid, which has been linked to anti-inflammatory properties. For fitness enthusiasts, this means potential support in managing inflammation and reducing muscle soreness, fostering a quicker recovery turnaround between workouts.

lions mane

Introducing Lion's Mane, the brain's trusty sidekick in your fitness escapades. This whimsical mushroom isn't just a visual treat; it's a potential game-changer for your cognitive and mental well-being during intense exercise.

Scientifically speaking, Lion's Mane is like a spotlight for your brain's performance. Its unique compounds have been linked to the stimulation of nerve growth factors, potentially promoting neural plasticity. Translation? Lion's Mane could be your secret weapon for better coordination during workouts, helping you nail those intricate exercises and maintain precision in every movement.

But that's not all; Lion's Mane is your backstage pass to a motivation boost. Studies suggest that it may have positive effects on cognitive functions, potentially lifting your mood and sharpening your focus. Ever felt that mental fatigue creeping in during a grueling workout? Lion's Mane is here to allay that fatigue, providing a mental pick-me-up to keep you pushing through those challenging sets.

Furthermore, Lion's Mane may play a role in supporting overall cognitive health, potentially enhancing memory and concentration. So, not only are you optimizing your physical performance, but you're also turning your workout into a brain-boosting experience.


Bliss Potion
from NZ$12.50

Let's talk about Turmeric, the golden-hued spice that's not just a kitchen superstar but also a potential game-changer for your fitness journey. Turmeric's active compound, curcumin, boasts a plethora of health benefits that extend far beyond its vibrant color.

First and foremost, Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory powerhouse. Scientifically, curcumin has demonstrated potent anti-inflammatory effects, helping to quell the inflammation that can arise from intense workouts. Reduced inflammation translates to quicker recovery, allowing you to hit the gym again sooner and with less muscle soreness.

Turmeric also flexes its antioxidant muscles. Exercise produces oxidative stress, which, if left unchecked, can lead to cellular damage. Curcumin's antioxidant properties act as a shield, neutralizing free radicals and potentially mitigating exercise-induced oxidative stress. This not only supports overall health but can also contribute to enhanced recovery and longevity in your fitness pursuits.

Moreover, Turmeric may be a natural pain reliever. Its anti-inflammatory properties may help alleviate exercise-induced pain, making it a potential alternative to conventional pain management strategies.

But Turmeric doesn't stop at the physical; it's a potential mood booster too. Some studies suggest that curcumin may have antidepressant effects, which could positively impact your mental well-being during the ups and downs of a challenging fitness routine.


Power Potion
Sale Price:NZ$20.00 Original Price:NZ$25.00

First and foremost, Beetroot is renowned for its nitrate content. When consumed, nitrate-rich beetroot converts into nitric oxide, a vasodilator that widens blood vessels. This can lead to improved blood flow, potentially enhancing oxygen delivery to your muscles during exercise. The result? Increased endurance, reduced fatigue, and a potential boost in overall performance.

But the benefits don't stop there. Beetroot may also contribute to better blood pressure regulation. The nitrates in beetroot have been linked to a modest reduction in blood pressure, potentially creating a more cardiovascular-resilient environment for your workouts.

Beetroot is a natural source of antioxidants, including betalains, which combat oxidative stress induced by exercise. These antioxidants act as a defense mechanism, helping to minimize cellular damage and promote a healthier recovery post-workout.

Moreover, Beetroot is rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and fiber, supporting overall well-being. Its natural sweetness can also make it a satisfying and nutritious addition to pre-workout snacks or smoothies.

In summary, these are just some of the herbs and shrooms which can be of real benefit for your fitness journey. So whether you are at the gym every day or hiking or just a weekend warrior, it may pay to look at introducing some herbs into your routine!




Herbs & Practises for dealing with heat!