flower medicine

Flowers are more than just pretty decorations or tools for attracting pollinators. They are gateways to the divine, portals through which we can access the infinite wisdom and healing power of the universe. Each flower is imbued with its own unique energy and vibration, and can serve as a powerful ally in our quest for spiritual growth and emotional healing.

Flowers are more than just pretty decorations or tools for attracting pollinators. They are gateways to the divine, portals through which we can access the infinite wisdom and healing power of the universe. Each flower is imbued with its own unique energy and vibration, and can serve as a powerful ally in our quest for spiritual growth and emotional healing.

Rose: The Queen of the Heart Chakra When we think of the rose, we often think of love and romance. And indeed, this beautiful flower has long been associated with matters of the heart. In the context of flower medicine, rose is seen as the queen of the heart chakra, the energetic center of the body that governs our capacity for love and compassion. When our heart chakra is blocked or imbalanced, we may experience feelings of sadness, loneliness, and disconnection from others. Rose can help to heal and open the heart chakra, promoting feelings of love, warmth, and connection to others. It is a powerful ally for anyone who is seeking to heal their emotional heart after a period of grief or trauma.

Hawthorn: The Guardian of the Heart Hawthorn is another flower that is particularly helpful for opening and healing the heart. This powerful bloom is seen as a guardian of the heart, protecting it from harm and promoting feelings of safety and security. When our heart has been wounded by grief or trauma, hawthorn can help to soothe and heal the emotional scars, promoting a sense of inner peace and calm. It can also help to enhance our ability to connect with others and build healthy, supportive relationships.

Linden: The Essence of Peace Linden is a gentle and delicate flower that is imbued with the essence of peace and tranquility. When we are feeling anxious or stressed, linden can help to soothe and calm the nervous system, promoting feelings of inner peace and wellbeing. It can also help to ease feelings of grief and sadness, promoting a sense of acceptance and surrender. As we connect with the gentle energy of linden, we may find that we are able to release the pain and sorrow that has been weighing us down, and open ourselves up to new possibilities for growth and transformation.

Hibiscus: The Flower of Divine Love Hibiscus is a bright and vibrant flower that is associated with the energy of divine love. This powerful bloom can help to open our hearts to the infinite wisdom and healing power of the universe, promoting a deep sense of connection to something greater than ourselves. Hibiscus can also help to promote healthy circulation, enhancing our ability to move through the world with grace and ease. As we connect with the energy of hibiscus, we may find that we are able to access a deeper level of spiritual insight and wisdom, and tap into the transformative power of divine love.

Mimosa: The Spirit of Joy Mimosa is a delicate and joyful flower that is associated with the energy of happiness and celebration. This powerful bloom can help to uplift our spirits and promote feelings of joy and positivity, even in the face of grief and trauma. Mimosa can also help to enhance our creativity and imagination, inspiring us to explore new possibilities and pathways for growth and transformation. As we connect with the energy of mimosa, we may find that we are able to tap into our inner childlike wonder and curiosity, and rediscover the beauty and magic of the world around us.

Flower medicine is a powerful and transformative tool for anyone who is seeking to start to heal their emotional heart after grief and trauma. As you connect with these sacred blooms, allow yourself to be open to the transformative power of the universe, and trust that the path of healing and growth is always available to you. Remember, you are never alone on this journey - the flowers are here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Flower Child Tincture


Feel Blue WHen Its Grey?
